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Evolution has led to craniofacial and dental variations in homosapiens and members of the animal kingdom as a means to adapt to the changing dietary and environmental factors. It is established that brain size and bipedal posture have contributed to the evolution of the masticatory complex and speech. Animals' evolutionary progress is influenced by structural inheritance and functional adaptations. A major shift in the skull, jaw and dentition has been the transformation from a grinding-shearing dentition to a relatively horizontal and forward shearing. The species of elephants currently present are the only remaining representations of the previous order Proboscidea that originated in Africa and Arabia. The aim of the present short communication is to highlight the evolution of the oral cavity and its impact on human evolution.

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How to Cite
Amandeep Kaur, & Deepak Gupta. (2023). Appearances Can Be Deceptive!. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 12(7), 238–240.


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