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A thirty-year-old female presented to the Surgery outpatient department of Shri Ram Care Hospital, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, with complains of pain in whole abdomen with abdominal distention, nausea, anorexia, dyspepsia and constipation off and on for the last twenty days. There was no history of jaundice in the past. There were no bowel / bladder complaints. On examination, pallor was present. Per abdomen palpation revealed splenomegaly. She was evaluated completely; clinically, radiologically and by routine investigations. She was found to be anaemic (her haemoglobin level was 5.8 gm/dl) and her ultrasound abdomen revealed multiple gall bladder calculi with splenomegaly. She was admitted and a laparoscopic or if needed, an open cholecystectomy was planned after three units of blood transfusion.

She underwent the procedure well at Shri Ram Care Hospital and her cholecystectomy specimen was sent to Anushka Diagnostics, Bilaspur, for histopathological evaluation.

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How to Cite
Amit Soni, Chitrangi P. Barpande, Nitasha Soni, & Prashant S. Barpande. (2023). Chronic Cholecystitis with Cholelithiasis with Gall Bladder Adenomyomatous Hyperplasia in a Young Female - A Case Report. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 12(12), 379–381.


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